I started this blog a few years ago to share information that I was getting from my graduate programs, specifically about reading and dyslexia. Updating it seems to be a challenge that I have only recently found the time to accept. During the school year there never seems to be enough time to prep for school, grade, parent and also coach and manage kids activities. With the new normal, I seem to have time on my hands, so I hope to be able to take the time to share resources and ideas for you.ABOUT ME

When people ask me what the difference between teaching and coaching high school kids and first graders, I tell them that there is none. With first graders I bend down and say the same things in a nicer tone. The what is still the same: "hands to yourself", "stay on task", "please don't talk when I talk". I love working with both age groups and I love what I do. I also love to find ways to improve my craft of teaching. In the last year I became an ambassador for Seesaw and Book Creator as well as a technology ambassador for our district. Ideally, I will master the craft of teaching and have more time for other crafts and hobbies, more likely I will find ways to do both. Until I achieve mastering I will try to learn more everyday and get better.
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