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Math Stations: How I Teach Math

By the end of the first week of school, students have been given a beginning of year math test, a math fact test and a pretest for Ch.1. They are then grouped into small groups for math instruction based on their needs. The goal at first grade is to ensure that each student knows the foundations of mathematical computation skills. There are many strategies to teach them and the goal is to have each student be able to problem solve using at least two strategies and be able to verify their answers are correct. I also work on articulation of math strategies, specifically explaining their thinking and reasoning verbally and for some even in written format. Having small group instruction ensures that those students who needs more hands on work to master a skill, are given the time and opportunity, while those who are working on solving more complex problems also have opportunities to work on their areas of growth. Math facts is an easy example of how we differentiate. The goal at first grade is to master math facts under 10, (9-1, 8+2). Once they master these, as diagnosed in a time 2 1/2 minute test, they will move on the mastering math facts up to 20 (13+7, 12-5). For skill practice they can be matched with those who are at the same level to ensure they are challenged appropriately. I work hard to ensure that each student is grouped or paired with other students whose skills and needs match their own. I adjust groups for each unit using their chapter pretests. During math each day students move through three stations. In their small groups, students meet with the teacher, practice the skill on their own and play math games that also help build their mathematical skills.
Thank you for keeping us informed! I really appreciate it. --Melanie (Alec's mom)